full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Erin Sullivan: Does photographing a moment steal the experience from you?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

As a photographer, I've really had to check myself on this. When does it help me to have my camera out, and when do I just need to put it away? On a trip to Alaska, I had the opportunity to photograph aalkasn brown bears. I was on a boat with four other photographers, and we were all having our minds blown at the same time in such close proximity to these aamnlis. It's an emotional experience. Being eye to eye with these bears gave me a feeling of connection that transcends words, and having my camera with me in this case enhanced that. We were all creating independently but also all completely in the moment, both with ntraue and with each other. I so clearly remember ctranpuig the wtear droplets and the motion as the bears swam and the cute cubs following their mothers. That gurop and I will have that experience together and these images to look back on time and time again, and prphtoghaoy is what eanelbd us to share this in the first place.

Open Cloze

As a photographer, I've really had to check myself on this. When does it help me to have my camera out, and when do I just need to put it away? On a trip to Alaska, I had the opportunity to photograph _______ brown bears. I was on a boat with four other photographers, and we were all having our minds blown at the same time in such close proximity to these _______. It's an emotional experience. Being eye to eye with these bears gave me a feeling of connection that transcends words, and having my camera with me in this case enhanced that. We were all creating independently but also all completely in the moment, both with ______ and with each other. I so clearly remember _________ the _____ droplets and the motion as the bears swam and the cute cubs following their mothers. That _____ and I will have that experience together and these images to look back on time and time again, and ___________ is what _______ us to share this in the first place.


  1. alaskan
  2. enabled
  3. animals
  4. group
  5. water
  6. nature
  7. photography
  8. capturing

Original Text

As a photographer, I've really had to check myself on this. When does it help me to have my camera out, and when do I just need to put it away? On a trip to Alaska, I had the opportunity to photograph Alaskan brown bears. I was on a boat with four other photographers, and we were all having our minds blown at the same time in such close proximity to these animals. It's an emotional experience. Being eye to eye with these bears gave me a feeling of connection that transcends words, and having my camera with me in this case enhanced that. We were all creating independently but also all completely in the moment, both with nature and with each other. I so clearly remember capturing the water droplets and the motion as the bears swam and the cute cubs following their mothers. That group and I will have that experience together and these images to look back on time and time again, and photography is what enabled us to share this in the first place.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
mesa arch 2

Important Words

  1. alaska
  2. alaskan
  3. animals
  4. bears
  5. blown
  6. boat
  7. brown
  8. camera
  9. capturing
  10. case
  11. check
  12. close
  13. completely
  14. connection
  15. creating
  16. cubs
  17. cute
  18. droplets
  19. emotional
  20. enabled
  21. enhanced
  22. experience
  23. eye
  24. feeling
  25. gave
  26. group
  27. images
  28. independently
  29. minds
  30. moment
  31. mothers
  32. motion
  33. nature
  34. opportunity
  35. photograph
  36. photographer
  37. photographers
  38. photography
  39. place
  40. proximity
  41. put
  42. remember
  43. share
  44. swam
  45. time
  46. transcends
  47. trip
  48. water
  49. words